Unwanted negative energy in your life? Get the feeling that someone is sending bad vibes your way? Return the vibes to sender with this spell and our Return to Sender spell bracelet!
In witchcraft, sometimes we need to send someone’s energy or spell back to them. This can happen if we encounter negative energy from a person, an unwanted influence from a situation, or a curse that got cast on us. It is essential that we create boundaries around our energy as witches, and a Return to Sender spell can help reinforce those boundaries.
This is not a spell for revenge, but for Karmic retribution:
A ritual to return the harm to its sender and have Justice.
You will need the following items:
-1 Black Candle
-1 Lemon
-1 Incense stick (cinnamon, pepper, ginger)
-Handful of cloves
-Lighter (remember to stay safe when using fire, and always monitor your flame)
Begin by preparing your space and setting the mood. That may be as ritualistic as you like, or it may be as simple as lowering the lighting and putting on some relaxing music. Do what makes you feel comfortable so that you can get into a relaxed state of mind.
Light your incense.
Take three deep breaths.
Think of all the harmful events you have been experiencing lately. It doesn't matter who you think caused them, just focus on how they make you feel.
Light the candle.
Cut the lemon in half.
Take 3 cloves and press them in one half of the lemon. Do this with the other half of the lemon. As you do it recite this spell: 'May any dark force now return to its source, May my home and I be free, safe and well from all that's harming me. So mote it be, or something better.'
Now close your eyes and visualise some positive things you wish for yourself in the future. Let that joy warm you. If you have your Return to Sender spell bracelet then now is a great time to use it as a kind of prayer bracelet and count the beads as you ponder.
When you are ready, open your eyes. Blow out the candle to release your intention into the Universe.
And remember, Witchcraft is about using what you have, so if you don't have the exact ingredients feel free to supplement them with the appropriate corresponding item. Eg. If you can't get a black candle, use obsidian or black rice and incense.
If you'd like to buy our Return to Sender Spell Bracelet you can find it here:
Was the spell effective for you? Let us know!