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Crystal FAQs

Writer's picture: Kims CrystalsKims Crystals

Updated: Sep 6, 2023

Some of your most popular crystal questions answered!

Why do people use crystals / what are they used for?

Crystals come from the love of Mother Earth which has positive vibrations that resonate with the positive emotions of human beings. They provide an ambience for healing to occur which is why they tend to be used for healing or general upliftment.

How do crystals work?

Crystals help in energy healing. They are one dimensional wherein all their atoms resonate in a single direction. This is how they amplify the vibration they vibrate at, and this vibration can be influenced by your intentions.

How do I select a crystal?

Many people believe that a crystal selects their owner.

When you wish to buy a crystal, first see which crystal you are attracted to.

You will find yourself drawn to a particular crystal and you may want to hold it. If it is difficult to put down, or walk away from , then both you and the crystal have made a selection.

You can also read about the properties of crystals beforehand if you already have an idea on what you want to use your crystal for.

Where should I put my crystals?

You can keep the crystals anywhere close to you so their vibrations are present in your auric space.

For example, if you are using a crystal to aid in sleep place it beside your sleeping area.

Keep your crystals in a clean and open spot so that they enjoy being in that space.

Always remember to keep your crystal in view to remind you of its intention.

How do you cleanse / charge your crystals?

There are many ways to cleanse and charge your crystals.

Our preferred method is using your hands by placing them over your crystal and sending loving universal healing energy to them while you set your intention.

You can cleanse your crystal by smudging them with sage, or keeping them overnight in dry rock salt, setting them under the light of a specific moon phase or out in the sun

(check that your crystal is sun safe first).

They can also be cleansed by placing them in running water from a natural source of water

(check that your crystal is water safe first).

Some crystals like selenite and geodes are also really great for cleansing other crystals.

For more on cleansing read our blog post.

How does cleansing help?

As crystals magnify positive energy, they in turn absorb the negative energies around you and get saturated. Cleansing helps to clear all those stored negative energies and charging helps the crystal to rejuvenate and act as a new crystal again.

How frequently should I cleanse and charge my crystals?

Crystals should be cleansed and charged around once a month depending on their use.

Usually your crystal will start to feel dull and lifeless. This is a sign it needs to be charged again!

You can read more on how to cleanse your crystals here.

If my crystal breaks can I still use it?

A broken crystal will still holds its positive energy in a broken form, but some believe that a crystal breaks when it gets over saturated from absorbing a lot of negative energy.

To avoid this it is advisable to keep cleansing and charging your crystals to help it rejuvenate.

Another reason a crystal may break is because it has done its work for you and wishes to be returned back to the earth in some way or a break can occur through clumsiness on our behalf.

When you break a crystal, if you are happy to keep it please remember to re-set your intention.

There are different views on whether or not you can still use a crystal once it has broken.

Listen to your heart and do what is best for you. If you feel like keeping them then do it!

If you do want to dispose of your broken crystal it can be buried in the soil or, if safe to do so can be put into a body of water near by or place it in your favourite planter box.

Can crystals be gifted?

Yes, crystals make for helpful thoughtful gifts that can really benefit the receiver. If you find yourself thinking of a friend or loved one when you are interacting with a crystal that can be a sign that your friend needs that crystal.

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